Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Goregrind. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Goregrind. Mostrar todas las entradas
19 dic 2020
Fecalized Rectal Sperm Spewage - Bukkake Quickie (2013) Descarga Full Álbum Google Drive Mediafire FLAC/Mp3/320kbps
01 Recognition of Ones Natural Standpoint to Suffocate Tits in My Creamy White Semen Offerings
27 oct 2020
Jig-Ai - Rising Sun Carnage (2014) Descarga Full Álbum Google Drive Mediafire FLAC/Mp3/320kbps
Banda: Jig-AiÁlbum: Rising Sun CarnagePaís: Republica ChecaGénero: Pornogore, GoregrindAño: 2014Formato: Mp3/320kbps, FLAC
01 Koi Throat Fuck
02 Ikebara Body Parts
03 Suno Sex Instructor
04 Menstrual Tea Relax
05 Ten Seconds In A Cunthole
06 Rest In Piss
07 Drowned in Budvar
08 Human Tofu
09 Rising Sun Carnage
10 Shitcuntsen
11 P.G.S.I.T.S.B.
12 Yan Zing Butchery
13 Ass I Jatka
14 Detestation
15 Koza Kura
16 Hard Cock Cafe
17 Tantou Kimono
18 Natural Tits Mafia
19 March of Jig-Ai
20 Rice Bombing
21 Animal Revenge
22 Ejaculation Complete
24 oct 2020
Last Days Of Humanity - Putrefaction in Progress (2006) Descarga Full Álbum Google Drive Mediafire FLAC/Mp3/320kbps
Banda: Last Days Of HumanityÁlbum: Putrefaction in ProgressPaís: HolandaGénero: Porngore, GoregrindAño: 2006Formato: Mp3/320kbps, FLAC
01 - Covered with Faeces as Decoration
02 - Visible Stains, Slashes and Marks of Self-Disgust
03 - Sewing Up the Abdominal Rupture for the Successive Acts of Degradation
04 - Sexually Imminent Perverted Deviant
05 - Infinitive Putrefaction in Progress
06 - A Manual of Heinous Ways in Degeneration
07 - In the Wards of Large Scaled Decompositions
08 - A Delightful Scenario of Depravity
09 - Equal Pleasures in the Realms of Dehumanisation
10 - Intrigue Redolence Inside Putridity
11 - Immersing the Body in a Cesspool of Lye as a Satisfying Method
12 - Deliberate Full Corporal Slicing with a Cleaver
13 - The General Attributes for Partial Trunk Separation
14 - Careless Utterly Dissected
15 - Irresistible Fixation for the Human Disarray
16 - Corroded Hookworm Phenomenon
17 - A Demonstration in Disassembling the Bodily Numbless
18 - Fragrant Facial Purulence
19 - Carnivorous Nausea
20 - Slithered Limbs (Adorable Congestion of Body Remnants)
21 - Gradually Cut Up Under a Series of Light Sedations
22 - Continual Septic Waste
23 - The Beauty of Perfection in Sensible Cruelty
24 - Allowing the Carvings for Mutual Compassion
25 - Driven by Motivations of Gracious Hatred
26 - Disconnected the Cranium with a Sense of Peculiar Interest
27 - Emerging Fungus During Gastric Pressures
28 - Some Edible Innard Fragments to Digest
29 - Accepted Foulness Amongst the Humane
30 - Proceed the Mass Life Disposal Without Compassion
31 - Saw Down the Remaining Carbonised Bits
32 - Precisely Eviscerated and Conserved in a Formaldehyde Methanol Solution
33 - Exceeded in a Frenzied Mayhem
34 - Congenital Interior Defects
35 - Persuaded in Legalized Cannibalism
36 - Educative Treatment in Torture, Abuse and Finally Beheading
37 - The Hatchet Justifies the Means
38 - Behold the Freshness of Tenderized Human Meat
39 - Prolapsed Transpired Bowel Junk
40 - Preservation of Headless Carrion
41 - A Divine Proclamtion of Finishing the Present Existence
30 sept 2020
Disgorge - Gore Blessed To The Worms (2006) Descarga Full Álbum Google Drive Mediafire
Banda: DisgorgeÁlbum: Gore Blessed To The WormsPaís: MéxicoGénero: Brutal Death Meatl, GoregrindAño: 2006Formato: Mp3/320kbps, FLAC
16 sept 2020
Haemorrhage & Hemdale & Meat Spreader - Fallen in Gore (2018)(Split 12'') Descarga Full Album Google Drive Mediafire
Banda: Haemorrhage & Hemdale & Meat SpreaderÁlbum: Fallen in Gore (Split 12")País: España, USA, PoloniaGénero: Grindcore, Goregrind, Death Metal Año: 2018Formato: Mp3/320kbps,FLAC
13 sept 2020
Haemorrhage - Grotesque Embryopathology (Demo)(1992) Descarga Full Demo Google Drive Mediafire
Banda: HaemorrhageÁlbum: Grotesque Embryopathology (DEMO)País: EspañaGénero: Goregrind, GrindcoreAño: 1992Formato: Mp3/320kbps,FLAC
10 sept 2020
Brutal Pig - Chupame La Vejiga (2014) Descarga Full Album Google Drive Mediafire
Banda: Brutal PigÁlbum: Chupame La VejigaPaís: MéxicoGénero: Pornogore, GoregrindAño: 2014Formato: Mp3/320kbps o FLAC
2 Minuta Dreka - Let's Start A Porn In The Name Of Gore (2006) Descarga Full Album Google Drive Mediafire
Banda: 2 Minuta DrekaÁlbum: Let's Start A Porn In The Name Of GorePaís: ItaliaGénero: Pornogore, Goregrind, GrindcoreAño: 2006Formato: Mp3/320kbps o FLAC
01- headcrashed blowjob02- blood bukkake03- viagra overdose04- medical division ejaculation05- mummification of the infected cadaver06- hearmaphrodite nightmare (Meat Shits Cover)07- i hope you get tits cancer08- tu sei il nulla09- no more formitrol10- living11- sufferingco12- regurgitated semen (Meat Shits Cover)13- fecal raputs14- i'm a pathologist (Heamorrhage Cover)15- semen demon16 - retarded rebel17- rock around the cock 18- perpetual sperm injection (Gut Cover)19- kasumi toilet20- 2 sides of the coin (Fear Of God Cover)21- selfmade cannibal
01- headcrashed blowjob
02- blood bukkake
03- viagra overdose
04- medical division ejaculation
05- mummification of the infected cadaver
06- hearmaphrodite nightmare (Meat Shits Cover)
07- i hope you get tits cancer
08- tu sei il nulla
09- no more formitrol
10- living
11- sufferingco
12- regurgitated semen (Meat Shits Cover)
13- fecal raputs
14- i'm a pathologist (Heamorrhage Cover)
15- semen demon
16 - retarded rebel
17- rock around the cock
18- perpetual sperm injection (Gut Cover)
19- kasumi toilet
20- 2 sides of the coin (Fear Of God Cover)
21- selfmade cannibal
2 sept 2020
Viscera Infest & Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis - Gastroduodenalulcerfollicularadenoma Fulminanthepatitishydrocelefacialspasmyxomatosis / Viscosas Voces Desde La Necroorgia (split)(2010) Descarga Full Álbum Google Drive Mediafire
Banda: Viscera Infest & ParacoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosisÁlbum: Gastroduodenalulcerfollicularadenoma Fulminanthepatitishydrocelefacialspasmyxomatosis / Viscosas Voces Desde La NecroorgiaPaís: Japón, MéxicoGénero: Goregrind, GrindcoreAño: 2010Formato: FLAC
Viscera Infest01.Leishmania Donovania Toxoplasma Gondii 02.Gastroduodenalulcerfollicularadenoma Fulminanthepatitishydrocelefacialspasmyxomatosis 03.Urticaria Penicilina Maligna
04.Viscera Infestada (Inside on Body Promiscue and Sexxxy) 05.Necrosodomisada Con Tu Diarrea En Fetida Clinica 06.Lesion Coccidioidomicosisendochancroide Y Erosion Virilica07.Esta Mourge Fue Hecha Para Fornicar Con Cadaveres Podridos 08.Colangiopanckeotography in Hepatomegalia of the Anicteric Sick into Patologyc Anatomy (Mexico Libido Y Podrido)
Viscera Infest
01.Leishmania Donovania Toxoplasma Gondii
02.Gastroduodenalulcerfollicularadenoma Fulminanthepatitishydrocelefacialspasmyxomatosis
03.Urticaria Penicilina Maligna
04.Viscera Infestada (Inside on Body Promiscue and Sexxxy)
05.Necrosodomisada Con Tu Diarrea En Fetida Clinica
06.Lesion Coccidioidomicosisendochancroide Y Erosion Virilica
07.Esta Mourge Fue Hecha Para Fornicar Con Cadaveres Podridos
08.Colangiopanckeotography in Hepatomegalia of the Anicteric Sick into Patologyc Anatomy (Mexico Libido Y Podrido)
24 ago 2020
Blood Duster - Cunt (2001) Full Álbum Descarga Google Drive - Mediafire - Torrent
Banda: Blood Duster
Álbum: Cunt
País: Australia
Género: Grindcore, Goregrind
Año: 2001
Formato: FLAC
01. We Are The Word Police
02. Big Fat Arse
03. Another Slack Arsed Aussie Band
04. Porn Store Stiffi
05. Pissing Contest
06. I Just Finished Sucking Off Metalheads In The Mens Urinals
07. Hoochie Mumma
08. I Love It When Joe Pesci Swears
09. Stock Takin'
10. Lets All Fuck
11. A Track Suit Is Not Appropriate Metal Apparel
12. The Corpse Song
13. Fuck You Scene Boy
14. Is Killing Clones Illegal
15. Don't Call Me Homeboy Ya' Cunt
16. Spefeven
17. The Object Is To Shift Some Units
18. Sweet Meat
19. Dis-Organ-Ized (Impetigo cover)
23 ago 2020
Obscene Extreme Festival (2001)(OEF) - CD - Varios Artistas - Descarga Full Álbum Google Drive Mediafire FLAC/Mp3/320kbps
CD del festival Obscene Extreme 2001 en el que participaron como cada año un gran numero de bandas de los géneros mas extremos de la música, en los que destacan por su gran trayectoria y calidad bandas clásicas como los italianos Cripple Bastards o una de las leyenda del Death Metal estadounidense Exhumed, los ya clásicos Regurgitate de Suecia y la leyenda del Grindcore, Goregrind español Haemorrhage.
Banda: Varios
Álbum: OEF Obscene Extreme Festival
País: Varios
Género: Varios
Año: 2001
Formato: FLAC
01. Exhumed (usa) - Decrepit Crescendo
02. Regurgitate (sweden) - Ruptured Remains in a Doggybag
03. Groinchurn (south africa) - Untitled
04. Haemorrhage (spain) - Oozing Molten Gristle
05. Fleshless (czech republic) - Where Mine Resurrection
06. Lykathea Aflame (czech republic) - To Give
07. Driller Killer (sweden) - Skin N' Bones
08. Ingrowing (czech republic) - Hyperspace Souls
09. Isacaarum (czech republic) - Irrumatrix
10. Sanity's Dawn (germany) - Peeling off the Epidermis
11. Sanity's Dawn (germany) - Sick, Sick, I'm So Sick
12. Cripple Bastards (italy) - Morte de Tossico
13. Viu Drakh (germany) - Fields of Repulsion
14. Desecreation (uk) - Asphyxiate on Blood
15. Godless Truth (czech republic) - Isolated Victim
16. Pathology Stench (slovakia) - God-Faith-Prostitution
17. Cerebral Turbulency (czech republic) - Loss of Identity
18. Cerebral Turbulency (czech republic) - Yes! Legitimate
19. Cerebral Turbulency (czech republic) - Harsh Future
20. Utopie (germany) - Stop Viagra - Smoke Pot
21. Inhume (netherlands) - Fucking Shit
22. Imperial Foeticide (czech republic) - The Seat Of
23. Anasarca (germany) - I'm
24. Grind 6.4 (czech republic) - Permanentní manikúra, preciznì provedená truhláøskou srovnávaèkou
25. Maledictive Pigs (germany) - Putrid Autopsy
26. Ahumado Granujo (czech republic) - Cunt Slime
27. Ahumado Granujo (czech republic) - Cold Turkey
28. Abortion (slovakia) - The Truth Hurts
29. Bizarre Embalming (czech republic) - Pneumothorax
30. Sanatorium (slovakia) - Postmortal Gorephobia
31. !T.O.O.H.! (czech republic) - The Postman (or slaughter of Mr. Radek)
32. Pigsty (czech republic) - Buried Belief
33. Human Error (hungary) - So Fuckin' Cool
34. Needful Things (czech republic) - Freedom-Criminal-Suicide
35. Irritate (finland) - Project Terror
16 ago 2020
Jig - Ai - Promo (Demo)(2006) Descarga Google Drive - Mediafire
Banda: Jig - AiÁlbum: Promo (Demo)País: Republica ChecaGénero: Goregrind - PornogoreAño: 2006Formato: FLAC
01. Phimosiectomy Made by Scrub-Slasher02. Fresh Manga Flesh03. HN-Islam04. Japanese Gut Cake
1 ago 2020
Obscene Extreme Festival (2000)(OEF) - CD - Varios Artistas - Descarga Full Álbum Google Drive Mediafire FLAC/Mp3/320kbps
Como cada año Obscene Extreme regala en cada una de sus ediciones un numero limitado de CDs de las bandas que participan en el festival, aquí les traemos el de la edición del año 2000 con bandas de Grincore, Goregrind, Crust, Punk, Pornogore, Powerviolence entre otros géneros del underground, algunas bandas que estuvieron en esa edición del festival son: Rotten Sound, Ingrowing, Cock & Ball Torture y Cripple Bastards.
Banda: Varios
Álbum: Obscene Extreme 2000
País: Varios
Género: Varios
Año: 2000
Rotten Sound – Ignorance
Isacaarum - Arts Of Farts
Ingrowing - Peristaltica IX
Cock & Ball Torture - Candy Teen Pussy
Cock & Ball Torture - Rosetta Twist
Fleshless - Blood Of Whore
Squash Bowels - Dark Corridors
Hpnos - In Blood We Trust
M.A.C. Of Mad - H.a.n.d.s
Pandemia - The Tones Are Weader
Cripple Bastards - Non Srvire A Niente
Cripple Bastards - Nascere Per Violentari
Abortion - What Makes The Difference
Abortion - It Unenjoyd My Yet
Din-Addict - Cannabis Jointplex
Din-Addict - Musc-Lee
Profanity - Drowned In Dusk
Lykathea Aflame - Shine Of Consolation
Bloodsuckers - Forest Vermin
N.C.C. - Energy Of Nucleus
Contrastic - Sex With Four Walls
Intervalle Bizarre - Glimpses Into
Purulent Spermcanal - Massacre In
PUrulent Spermcanal - Blury Future
Comrades – Poseur
Convent - The Truth Revealed
Laniena Mentis - Promise Of Pain
Allenation Mental – The
Allenation Mental - Under Pressure
Feeble Minded - Miss Dissection
Nuclear Devastation – Megaton
Nuclear Devastation – Radioactivity
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Banda: Soulfly Álbum:Soulfly (Japanese Limited Edition)(Especial Edition & Re-Edition) País: Brasil Género: Groove Metal, Nu-Metal Año: ...
Banda: Los Carniceros Del Norte Álbum: Poe Is Dead País: España Género: Post-punk, Horrorpunk Año: 2009 Formato: Mp3/320kbps, FLAC TRACKLIST...
Banda: Nine Inch Nails (NIN) Álbum: Broken (Ep)(Special Edition) País: USA Género: Industrial, Industrial Metal, Año: 1992 Formato: Mp3/3...
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Álbum titulado The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny que marca el regreso de la banda Mr.Bungle que permanecía sin un nuevo trabajo discográf...
Banda: Ministry Álbum: Rantology País: USA Género: Industrial Metal Año: 2005 Formato: Mp3/320kbps, FLAC TRACKLIST 01. No W (Redux) 02. The ...
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